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Raleight, NC (WNCN) – Local school studies find out what President Donald Trump has announced that he does not prevent arrests from migrants in schools.

The largest North County District of Carolina, Wave County, submit the leadership of the principal

If the immigration officer has no authorization, the guidance says that the legal is not the right to enter. The principal must gather a lot of details from the agent as possible and request a agent to wait while the principal is in contact with local Superintendent.

The district said not to any guaranteed conditions of the relief worker released to the school’s school and we want to get in to be arrested.

In the Durham Public public schools meet on Tuesday night, a few disciples and parents wanted to know how the district would deal with snow agent and how the district will support their students and their families.

One of those speakers was the parent of DPS in Hearia Carlon, who said that his children were born in the US, but now know many DPS children their children and were afraid to talk during the public comment.

“I want to make sure our children are safe at school and are not separated from their families,” told CBS 17 by translator.

Superintendent Anthony Lewis began his words that the district is aware of families afraid and continues to learn how changes will affect the region.

Later that evening, the district sent a message to families on Tuesday evening evening their migration or recording. The District says that the region will only disclose the students’ details to the executive authorities as authorized or required by law.

CBS 17 asked DPS what protocol is when the ice agent appears at school to be kept in custody. DPS spokesman said the principal will be notified immediately and submitted information to the Regional Office for the district, including contacting the district representatives.

DPS’s spokesman said the district and gave the principal guidance on what they should do when the child’s parents were taken into a snow cell during the school day.

“When he heard about the situation, our funding student support students is ready to connect students with services, services, organizations, and people who can help,” said spokesman.

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